Lincoln International Business School (LIBS) MSc ‘Management with Project Management and Professional Practice’ student, Ijeoma, has taken up the opportunity to experience a year-long work placement as part of her two-year programme.

Jan Tunley, LIBS Postgraduate Employability Officer visited Ijeoma on location at a new build site being developed by Fiji Homes & Properties, to ensure that she was enjoying the placement, was fully supported and progressing well.

Ijeoma had 10 years’ experience as an environmental engineer prior to starting her postgraduate studies. When searching for a placement Ijeoma found Fiji Homes & Properties through networking, approached them via email, and was offered an interview. Fiji had never had a placement student, but Ijeoma negotiated a placement as a site supervisor assisting the company owner.

Ijeoma produces weekly reports, highlights potential issues, and uses her negotiation and decision-making skills to find solutions to problems when they arise between various contractors working on the build. Ijeoma was nervous before starting her placement but went in determinedly, with an attitude of confidence and a friendly demeanour and soon won over the team with her very genuine interest in how they did things, and has bonded well with all her colleagues on the project.

For further information on our Master’s Placement Years, or to communicate with our Employability Team, please get in touch with

Ijeoma at Fiji Homes & Properties